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Two Wanda Jackson Shows

[music | Th' Legendary Shack Shakers - Bullfrog Blues]

We saw a rather short show with Wanda Jackson at the Royale last night. Unfortunately she has been playing pretty much a show a day for the last couple of weeks, and her voice was pretty well shot. The audience still loved her though, even though it was a shortened set, and it seems they're going to work out another date as a make-up show. Chances are good that whatever date they pick we'll either be out of town or have another show booked, we will see though!

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A new job for the little Asus

I think I've finally found the perfect job for the little Asus EEE, since it's just too weak to show good video. It has the following tasks:

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Gang of Four at the Paradise

[music | Throwing Muses - Soul Soldier, Live At The Middle East]

Here are some of my favorite photos from the fantastic Gang of Four show at the Paradise. We even got Hugo Burnham for a few songs! I know one of Natalie's cow-orkers had him as a professor in school in Boston, so we were glad he sat in.

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Asus EEE Is Fired

I've spent some time with the Asus EEE 1006. It was one of those almost there, maybe if I tweak... situations, and I've given up wasting time tweaking.

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English Beat @ Tupelo 12-15-2010

[music | DEVO - I'm A Potato]
I don't have time to write much tonight, but I wanted to post some pictures

Tonight we saw the English Beat for the second time at the same venue, Tupelo Music Hall in Londonderry. I've got kind of mixed feelings on the venue, since it's a pretty chill atmosphere with a BYOB policy, but they had chairs, for a dancy fun band, again.

In any case the band was great and after a couple of songs the crowd really started getting into it, as much as we could with the chairs around. They're going to be doing a couple more local shows, one at another Tupelo location in White River Jct. VT, and then back at the Londonderry location for New Years, which I may go to, depending on whether friends go.

Musically they're still really tight and really interact well with the crowd. The best quote, after Dave polished off a container of coconut milk:

"They can make wine out of it. And it's a fruit, just like the tomato. 53 years and I still can't get the fucking hang of this planet..."

Here are some photos from the show, not that great, but I was back 11 rows, and was bouncing around, click them to view at Flickr:


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Sphere of Inconvenience

So... As I was putting together my most recent post regarding IPv6 I got to thinking about how many computers I use every day. It started as I counted up how many things in my house use IP addresses. From here forward I will refer to anything that uses an IP address as a computer for simplicity (yes, that means that in this context my iPhone is a computer, as is my Tivo, and my Linksys wireless access point).

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There has been a lot of chatter on the CentOS list lately regarding the ups and downs of IPv6. It has not quite boiled down to a flame war yet, but now is a good time to start distilling down what everybody has had to say.

To start, what IS IPv6? Simply put, it is a newer implementation of IP addressing that allows for many more hosts, as we have been running out of IPv4 addresses and will come to the end shortly. In fact, it allows for more than 2^95 or 5x10^28 addresses per person alive on planet earth today. "Overkill!!!" you might exclaim. In the 70s, when IPv4 was designed, and there were less than 1000 hosts internetworked, you would have said the same thing about the mere 4 billion addresses allowed in that system. In an age where having your toaster internet accessible is not unheard of, you'd be surprised at how many you might use.

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A week with the Asus EB1006

Just bought an Asus EB-1006, and wanted to post how it works rather than send one email to half a dozen folks. I got it working pretty well with XP for HD movies and MAME, here's what I did:

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Infected Mushroom, Paradise Boston

Infected Mushroom just lied to my face, and made me walk out. I just paid $50 to watch people pretend to make music. It was insulting to the audience, and I can only hope they feel like complete frauds, though I doubt it.

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Drill, Baby, Drill.



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