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Wolfeboro Forums

I've noticed some traffic to hitting my page since I shut down the forum installation, and I wanted to clarify the situation somewhat.

After the last outage, I requested that they find alternate hosting for the site. I don't have the time to run it for free and deal with securing the site, etc.

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Dork Yearbook

BoingBoing launched a fun Dork Yearbook photo project. Upload your embarrassing pics of your geeky childhood, and they will add helpful captions. I decided to recreate my yearbook picture for 2009 as well.


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What "Apple Tax"?

Why I gladly pay the Apple "Luxury Tax"

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How I spent my weekend

[music | Chicane - Andromeda]

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Converting Visio Stencils to OmniGraffle

Someday, we'll live in The Future, I swear it.

Last year I bought OmniGraffle 4 Pro, I really, really like that app, and it makes using Visio seem like self torture. Now only if the formats were open all the way around...

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[music | The Pixies - Break My Body]

If you'll remember back a few months, I lost a toenail after catching a drunken pit guy at Rev. Horton Heat. In today's installment, it's a fingernail.

Today I was putting some switches in a rack, and was putting in cage nuts the un-safe way. With a screwdriver instead of a cage nut tool. Here's what the aftermath of that can look like unless you're more careful than I am.

I'm putting pictures behind here for people who are queasy:

xrayspx's picture

This is fantastic

Thanks boingboing.

Here is video and a couple of scanned articles by James Leatham. He made a great SciFi short in 1981 using an Apple II for special effects. The long and short of it is that since the Apple didn't have the horsepower to produce the actual animations he wanted, he set it up to render still images and control a stop motion video setup.

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The CSSManager is meant to allow access to certain functions of the Cisco CSS series load-balancers to less trusted (non network-engineer) staff without opening the CSS up to too much risk of misconfiguration. Currently it allows web users to suspend and activate Services in bulk quickly and safely. There are also value-added features such as "locking" servers so someone can't accidently activate a server that was suspended for a reason, comments are also useful, especially when used in conjunction with CSSPump to give context to a suspended or down server.

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I'm deeply annoyed with IMAP

Since my exit, stage left from VistaPrint earlier this year, I've been running my site at 1and1, with no real complaints, except that their VMs only offer Fedora Core 4, which is ages and ages old. I've been running UW-IMAP since then, and I've had some complaints. I believe those complaints might be client relate, but they might not, so I decided to try out some different servers. My only real complaint is that when running multiple clients against the same message store, they get out of sync. and IMAP Folders

For some time, I've been annoyed by not checking all folders every time it checks mail. My situation is that I have an IMAP server at a colo, a Mac Pro at home usually with running and more importantly, running its filters, and a MacBook running that I take with me to work or wherever.


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