xrayspx's blog

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RevCo, Ministry and, dammit, PIG!

Just got back from RevCo & Ministry show at the Palladium. RevCo sounded really really good, the sound was good, they played well, the new singer was good, and described by Luc Van Acker as "He's sexy, He's Canadian, He's Josh Bradford". The opening-opening band was Pitbull Daycare, and I think it was generally accepted that we could have done without them.

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Narconon MadLibs

[music | Koop - Waltz for Koop]

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MacBook 13", very first thoughts

The new MacBook came in today, and I've been tooling around on it for the last couple hours.

-- Speed seems good

-- I toyed with my Treo 700w and can shoot pictures across, that is about all.

-- New Trackpad drivers woo yay, it's nice.

-- The magnetic power cord will take getting used to. If you pull it straight, it's almost impossible to unplug, however if you breathe on it funny from an angle, it shoots across the floor.

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Better luck next time, slugheads

Why am I a good guy? Being a bad guy would fuck with my schedule a lot less than this. Stupid script kiddies.

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Am I a moron, or a genius?

[music | Pigface - King of Negativity]

Time will tell:

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From the depths of hell I stab at thee, IBM

[music | DJ?Acucrack - All Up In My Face]

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Slashdot or Molokai

[music | Jesus and Mary Chain - Head On]

This thread has reinforced something which I think we all know anyway. Do not shake hands with Slashdot.

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My Redneck Hajj

I have to go to the greater Detroit area to install some bunch of network hardware in the next couple of weeks, and I'm trying to find stuff to do.

It just dawned on me today via Natalie that I will be in Detroit over Memorial Day weekend. She was predictably happy about me being gone over the long weekend.

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Hooker Furries

[music | Unwoman - Cursing You]

Dear Internet,

stop hurting me.

Thank you.

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Of course SuSE fixed it

[music | nine inch nails - eraser]

Not without some seriously non-typical end user junk, but giving up on installing dependencies myself after seeing control-center2 relying on nautilus, and nautilus relying on control-center2, I installed using YAST and it worked fine. I know I should have forced around the dependencies, but please, someone...

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