xrayspx's blog

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Tonight, my wife and I made cookies:

These are very orangy and we dipped them in chocalate on the backside, really good.
They're made from a carved wooden roller and then hand painted:

Sugar cookies and ginger cookies, frosted:

More suger cookies, snowflakes:

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Who is this stupid really?

What kind of idiot runs an Alpha version of ANY OS distribution? You're looking at him. Yesterday I decided I'd had enough of being paranoid about my music collection not being backed up, and bought a 120GB drive at Staples ($59). The intent was to move my desktop system over to that and I'd have one copy there and one copy on my fileserver.

I was going to download OpenSuSE 10.0 but for some reason didn't, and decided to use 10.1 Alpha. That was dumb.

I backed up my config from the old disk and moved it over to the fileserver, everything except my X11 config, which is a fairly large mistake in itself, and proceeded with the install.

* Network card - Works/Doesn't work, depending on its whim.

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Oh well dammit

[music | Nine Inch Nails - Fixed (Remixed by Coil)]

I'm going to go buy an Abacus tomorrow. Hopefully I can compile Firefox on it and go about my merry way.

Suffice to say, SuSE 10.0 didn't help things any. About 3 hours into my evening, while I was copying my backup .tars back over from my fileserver, New Install started locking up, specifically, X started restarting. While trying to figure that out, I got a bunch of kernel panics, rebooted, corrupted FS. While running reiserfsck --rebuild-tree, I got another kernel panic. There goes that install.

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More performance updates

Again, to try and catch up from slacking...

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A couple of pictures of our tree:


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Ubuntu, Bite My Ass

The other day I decided to take my iMac-DV with dead harddrive and fix it, and put 10.3.9 on it. It's been sitting around taking up too much space and not doing anything for too long. So I pulled the old dead disk out and put an old, not-dead disk in, and put 10.3 in. 10.3 complained about needing a firmware update before it could install.

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Been slacking on show updates

On Halloween, we saw Dresden Dolls at the Avalon. We got there way early, played a few racks at Jillians before hand, and still got in way early. Devotchka and Faun Fables opened and were all really good, and we ended up spending a lot of cash at the merch table at that show. Costumes were for the most part really cool, and everyone was better than me, since I just left from work in whatever I was wearing that day.

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If I ever meet Carl, I wil punch him in the cock

Food from Carls in Waltham today. I'm still trying to figure out why Carl hates me, and why we keep going back every few months. Hopefully this post will remind me that I really never need to eat from there again.
Very very good food, way too much of it, very bad consequences for your health and the health of those around you.
I only had a veggie burrito, I shouldn't be in this kind of pain.

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Whoops, New AIM Account

I have an AIM account, when I set up that screenname, the one I wanted was unavailable. So I mashed some keys and got myself a screenname + digits and haven't thought twice about it for the last 5 years. Today I decided to see if the name I wanted was available or if AOL jams any name a user picks for eternity. Unsurprisingly, they said my chosen name wasn't available, but this time, before just giving up, I hit the "I've lost my password, here's my screenname" button just to see what happened. In the worst case, whoever it was would get a password reminder, big deal.

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Musical Dilemma

In the weeks leading up to Friday night I was faced with a problem. Two bands I really wanted to see, in the same VENUE on the same NIGHT. The Pearl St upstairs had Gang of Four, downstairs had Rasputina. No matter which we picked I would feel retarded. My wife wouldn't have anything to do with the decision, so I picked Rasputina. The way I figure it, well, I still don't have a good explanation.

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